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We use easy to follow barcoded bags which indicate on them what can and can’t go into them, so it is easy to identify. Our bags are barcoded which means we can location stamp your bag uniquely when we deliver them to you, then when we uplift and bring it back to our depot, we track it again to make sure it reach
We use easy to follow barcoded bags which indicate on them what can and can’t go into them, so it is easy to identify. Our bags are barcoded which means we can location stamp your bag uniquely when we deliver them to you, then when we uplift and bring it back to our depot, we track it again to make sure it reaches the end destination point. By doing this, when we weigh your bag using our calibrated scales, it gives you instant data about each bag of waste.
You will also get access to our customer portal which is where you can access all your data live. As soon as your waste is weighed at our depot, you can log in and see the data live. From there you can download reports specific to your needs.
We offer a range of services to suit your needs.
Our bagged waste service can be uplifted directly from your office meaning there are no unsightly bags outside your office waiting (sometimes all day) for collection. Our office collection is carried out by our friendly staff who are both discreet and professional.
Pay only for what you use
We offer a range of services to suit your needs.
Our bagged waste service can be uplifted directly from your office meaning there are no unsightly bags outside your office waiting (sometimes all day) for collection. Our office collection is carried out by our friendly staff who are both discreet and professional.
Pay only for what you use with our ‘Pay as you Throw’ option. Why pay for a wheelie bin that is only half filled or are on a monthly service plan that doesn’t offer value for money. With our bagged waste you simply purchase the bags upfront, agree an uplift frequency and day and let us do the rest.
Even better – thanks to our tracked waste, our system alerts us when you are nearing the end of your waste bags and allows us to contact you and confirm a re-order of bags meaning you don’t need to think about it, we take care of it all.
We are also educational based and want your staff to feel confident that when they dispose of their waste in the office, they are putting it into the correct bin. We understand that some companies are still in the phase of returning staff to the workplace from home working and we appreciate getting waste correct can be daunting. That is why we can provide lots of resources and education based information, so companies can use it to educate staff and raise awareness.
All of our waste services are tracked. From each individual bag to our wheelie bins, you will know how much waste your company is disposing of.
We can tell you how many bags you use, what the average weight of each bag is and whether you have contamination in your recycling. This data is invaluable because simply put ‘what is not measure
All of our waste services are tracked. From each individual bag to our wheelie bins, you will know how much waste your company is disposing of.
We can tell you how many bags you use, what the average weight of each bag is and whether you have contamination in your recycling. This data is invaluable because simply put ‘what is not measured, cannot be improved’. If you don’t know where you are with your waste, how can you know where you are going.
Using our accurate data, your company can demonstrate commitment to knowing and reducing general waste levels which will feed into the ISO14001 Quality Management System – and reducing waste going to landfill is the right thing to do.
As well as your own customer portal on which you can download your own reports, we can also work with you to produce monthly waste reports. These reports look at your data and identify what looks good / improved since last report and an ‘even better if’ if we notice downwards trends in waste or an increase in general waste etc. we can highlight this to you. We can also provide a ‘did you know’ fun fact based around your waste, which will engage staff.
Coming soon.
A new update that is coming at the end of 2023, we are excited to announce that very soon your customer dashboard will produce information around your waste CO2 which can help your business when working towards reducing emissions in line with the ‘Net Zero’ 2050 target. Using our accurate data, get ahead of the competition b
Coming soon.
A new update that is coming at the end of 2023, we are excited to announce that very soon your customer dashboard will produce information around your waste CO2 which can help your business when working towards reducing emissions in line with the ‘Net Zero’ 2050 target. Using our accurate data, get ahead of the competition by demonstrating your compliance and commitment to safeguarding the environment.
Waste Not Want Not Recycling, we are always looking at our own carbon footprint and make sure to use vehicles that are compliant with Glasgow’s Low Emission Zone (LEZ). We are also looking at our waste delivery & uplift routes to make sure they are in a sensible order and maximise time and efficiency. These small logistical decisions can add up to a big carbon saving over 1 year.
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